萌春(長澤勝俊 作曲) 演奏 箏/小野美穂子、尺八/三塚幸彦

Описание к видео 萌春(長澤勝俊 作曲) 演奏 箏/小野美穂子、尺八/三塚幸彦



Ono and Mitsuka from Entone Ono are playing famous Japanese music pieces. I would like all the fans of Toon to listen to it as well.

A song that vividly depicts the spirit of spring, entrusted to the koto and shakuhachi.
It is a hymn to the arrival of spring after a long winter, and it is also a song of joy for humans who celebrate spring. (Composer)

#萌春 #Houshun #Hoshun


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