Grace Highlights | Ethelbert De Leon ● Philippines, MABS, MDiv

Описание к видео Grace Highlights | Ethelbert De Leon ● Philippines, MABS, MDiv


“In one of the courses I took in Grace, Dr. Chay told us that by entering seminary, the enemy has placed a huge bullseye on our backs. I did not take that seriously. However, in my second year, I did feel that the enemy had not just placed a bullseye on my back but on my whole body. I was shaken and anxiety started to get to me.

However, I really praise God that during this time, Grace became “the church” for me. And in particular, three individuals in Grace made a significant difference in my life—one of my teachers and two of my classmates.” - Ethelbert De Leon (MABS, MDiv; Philippines)

Celebrate Grace and let us grow together to higher levels this Student Appreciation Month!

#StudentAppreciationMonth #ibelieveinGrace #GSOT #GraceSchoolOfTheology #GSOTWeAreOneFamily #gracehighlights #GrowingTogetherToHigherLevels


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