Описание к видео 【ENGLISHMAN IN NEW YORK】- STING (ukulele cover)

The very first imperfect mini cover of the possible series:
#englishmaninnewyork by #Sting.
Hopefully there would be more imperfect mini covers in the future.
#ukulele #ukulelecover #singing

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[ Unnecessary Mini Interview ]
🧠: Why are you uploading again?
🫀: I don't really know, but...
🧠: Do you have a specific vision/goal for this (yet to exist) series?
🫀: Haha, not really.
🧠: Do you think you can keep doing this consistently?
🫀: Um, not sure.
🧠: Then what are you doing this for?
🫀: To expose my flaws and to overcome the fear of making mistakes or failing..? Even just a little bit?
🧠: Welp, good luck with whatever your are trying to do then.🤝
🫀: Thanks.🤝 Hang in there bro.
🧠: You too.


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