Mulan Christian rewrite (Reflection as a Christian Christmas song)

Описание к видео Mulan Christian rewrite (Reflection as a Christian Christmas song)

Imagine if Reflection from Mulan was a Christian Christmas song... In this thoughtful parody hymn reminiscent of Christmas classics like "What Child is This”, the poignant melody from Disney’s Mulan meets the powerful truth of the gospel story.

As Mary gazes at the newborn Jesus, she sees her own face reflected in his. But she also knows that her child is “the image of the invisible God”, the reflection of God himself. She sings: "Who is this child I see? Can heaven's eyes look like me?"

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Reflection (Christian version):
✍️ Lyrics by Hannah Entz
🎹 Instrumental track by Sam Yung
YouTube -    / @samyungofficial  
🎤 Vocals by Kezvia
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YouTube -    / @kezvia  

#reflection #mulan #christianremix #mulanparody #christianchristmas #disneyparody #incarnation


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