BG 4.22 | #1 Mindset to NEVER Get Affected by Failures - Lord Krishna's Gita Wisdom

Описание к видео BG 4.22 | #1 Mindset to NEVER Get Affected by Failures - Lord Krishna's Gita Wisdom

MUST Watch if you are you Scared of Failures!

This world is full of dualities, which means there will be successes and failures, good times, and testing times in life. God has designed this universe that way for our spiritual growth and the evolution of the soul.

In that case, how to develop the right mindset never to get disturbed by failures?
0:00 Intro
0:58 Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 22 Chanting
1:22 Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 22 Translation by Swami Mukundananda
1:46 Commentary by Swami Mukundananda
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यदृच्छालाभसन्तुष्टो द्वन्द्वातीतो विमत्सर: |
सम: सिद्धावसिद्धौ च कृत्वापि न निबध्यते || 22||
nirashir yata-chittatma tyakta-sarva-parigrahah
shariram kevalam karma kurvan napnoti kilbisham
BG 4.22: Content with whatever gain comes of its own accord, and free from envy, they are beyond the dualities of life. Being equipoised in success and failure, they are not bound by their actions, even while performing all kinds of activities.

Just like there are two sides to a coin, so too God created this world full of dualities—there is day and night, sweet and sour, hot and cold, rain and drought, etc. The same rose bush has a beautiful flower and also an ugly thorn. Life too brings its share of dualities—happiness and distress, victory and defeat, fame and notoriety. Lord Ram himself, in his divine pastimes, was exiled to the forest the day before he was to be crowned as the king of Ayodhya.

While living in this world, nobody can hope to neutralize the dualities to have only positive experiences. Then how can we successfully deal with the dualities that come our way in life? The solution is to take these dualities in stride, by learning to rise above them in equipoise in all situations. This happens when we develop detachment to the fruits of our actions, concerning ourselves merely with doing our duty in life without yearning for the results. When we perform works for the pleasure of God, we see both positive and negative fruits of those works as the will of God, and joyfully accept both.
Holy Bhagavad Gita - Song of God videos in Gita Gyan Yagna series are published every Monday night at 8 pm EST/7:30 am IST. Click to Subscribe.
About Swami Mukundananda:
Swami Mukundananda is a global spiritual leader, philosopher, visionary, author, and humanitarian. He is the founder of JKYog (Jagadguru Kripaluji Yog), which offers a unique Yogic System known as Yoga for Body, Mind, and Soul. Swamiji, a distinguished IIT/IIM alumnus, took the renounced order of life after giving up his promising corporate career. He is a senior disciple of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, who entrusted him with spreading Vedic Knowledge and Bhakti Yog throughout the world.

In this channel, Swamiji explains the profound knowledge of the Holy Bhagavad Gita in a lucid and succinct manner verse-by-verse. And teaches us how to practically apply the wisdom bestowed by Lord Krishna in our daily lives to bring out the best version of ourselves and make our life successful.
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