Dimitri & Hope - Start A Riot

Описание к видео Dimitri & Hope - Start A Riot

Series: Legacies x Vampire Academy
Song: In the title
Program: Sony Vegas 14

After watching Vampire Academy, which I loved, I had to do this crossover. I find they would have been a very powerful couple and I hope you like my idea.

PLOT: Hope Mikaelson is the only known tribid in the world of Dominio, or a crossing of three creatures and this puts her in danger to the point that her mother, Hayley, tells her to run away with her new guardian Dimitri of her.
He takes her to safety, to the most prestigious vampire academy but it is obvious that she is initially uncomfortable, so he takes care of her until he has strong feelings for her.
The only way to trigger Hope's transformation, in tribid, is to kill her.
While Dimitri is not on duty she is attacked by his bosses, he is ordered not to help her. Hope dies and awakens as the strongest creature in the world.
But Dimitri, who had prayed, finds himself realizing that he is in love with her and the two kiss for the first time.
For a while they are happy, in secret as it is forbidden, but Dimitri feels that he is putting her in danger and also that he is not doing her duty.
He then starts to push her away, until it hurts her.
Hope talks about her to her mother and she tries to comfort her with Freya, her aunt but despite being together again, something happens that separates them.
Hayely and Hope are attacked, the daughter passes out and Dimitri is forced to choose who to save, his duty requires him to Hope and so he does. When she wakes up Hope she is told that her mother is dead and this brings not only a lot of pain but also a lot of anger.
This changes her, Hope loses control over herself, goes out to get drunk, goes to the club to drink human blood, and steps away from her guardian until she discovers that he will compete as champion in a Royal challenge.
If he wins Tatiana, who wants her destruction, he will become her Queen. This infuriates Hope and she decides to be the other champion. For the first time she transforms herself in front of everyone and wins the tournament against Dimitri, who doesn't want to hurt her.
Hope discovers that she has discharged all of her anger but her pain remains. Dimitri understands her mistake and tries to get closer, asks her forgiveness and so she does too.
But the two can't be together for her duty and Hope, who is grieving another bereavement, hears voices in her head blaming her for everything.
Dimitri can't stand that pain and he confesses the truth to her, which is that she is only afraid of that free love of hers and she admits that she has never stopped loving him.
They finally want to love each other but only by staying together and so they choose to leave, to live their life free to love.


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