Feel Safe, Grounded, and Centered | Subliminal + Isochronic Tones

Описание к видео Feel Safe, Grounded, and Centered | Subliminal + Isochronic Tones

Reprogram your mind to stay grounded and balanced. When you find your center, you feel safe inside yourself. This subliminal can help you gain that deep internal awareness that you are protected by your own stillness and that you are being taken care of.

When you feel safe within yourself, your fears and worries fade away quickly and don’t gain momentum. Being grounded enables you to connect with yourself and your emotions, which allows you to connect with others. Your calmness washes your stress away and you face challenges with ease and curiosity.

Grounded people are aware of their body's cues, including thought processes and feelings. They calm themselves down with compassion and care when being triggered without allowing triggers to overwhelm them.

People who are centered can reclaim their power fairly quickly after stressful or intense situations without being triggered for too long. They also develop healthy relationships because they are more emotionally present.

You don’t develop a sense of grounding by gaining external resources such as money or approval from others. It’s an inner sense you possess that is being projected to the outside world.

Isochronic Tones, base frequency is 741 Hz with Theta waves pulses of 7Hz to 4 Hz.

*Headphones are highly recommended to maximize results.

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The affirmations: (both 'you' and I' versions)
I am grounded
I am feeling safe, secure, and protected
Everything is well with me
I am emotionally stable; I can easily maintain my emotional balance
I feel at home with myself
I am present at the moment; I am a mindful person
I joyfully perform positive self-soothing to ground myself
I excel at making good decisions that benefit me greatly
I am feeling centered and at ease
I find healthy ways to help my body and soul relax and feel at ease
I am a calm and relaxed person
The healing energy of the Universe flows through me
My mind is clear, sharp and focused on my goals
Every day in every way, I am tuning into my inner center
I tap into my inner strength easily
My life is valuable; I am valuable
I bring value through my being, actions, and words
I bring value to the world
My inner resources are infinite and powerful
Every cell in my body is healthy and well; I feel alive
I am feeling great; everything will always be ok with me
I am present and at peace in my own skin
I feel a deep sense of belonging


Royalty-Free Music: Rebecca Reads

*This channel provides positive subliminal messages and brainwave entrainment embedded in relaxing background music. I put my best energy into creating these videos with the intention to bring you high value and inspire you to find the path of joy, positivity, and empowerment.

Each recording on this channel contains different affirmations that match the subject of the specific video. All of the embedded hidden affirmations and most of the brainwave entrainment are created uniquely by me.

*What are subliminal messages? These are hidden commands that are perceived by our minds, below our level of awareness. Meaning, we process them, but without being aware of doing so.

Disclaimer: Do not drive or operate machinery while listening to these videos. If you feel uncomfortable while listening, simply listen at low to barely audible levels. In the very unlikely event that you experience discomfort, please discontinue use. This recording along with any other recordings on my channel should not be used as a replacement for any medical treatment. This audio/video does not diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, see a doctor. The information on the Vortex Success YouTube channel is provided solely for informational purposes on an “as is“ basis and “as available” basis at user's sole risk. Vortex Success shall not be responsible or liable for any results of listening to these recordings and makes no guarantees as to the accurateness, quality, or completeness of the information and, errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies in the information or for any user's reliance on the information.


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