TSM vs CLG | S5 NA LCS Spring 2015 Week 8 Day 2 | CLG vs TSM (Team Solomid) W8D2G2 VOD 60FPS

Описание к видео TSM vs CLG | S5 NA LCS Spring 2015 Week 8 Day 2 | CLG vs TSM (Team Solomid) W8D2G2 VOD 60FPS

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Counter Logic Gaming CLG vs TSM S5 NA LCS Spring 2015 Week 8 Day 2 | CLG vs TSM G2 W8D2 | Team Solomid vs CLG Counter Logic Gaming Game 2 W8D2 VOD 60 FPS. S5 NA LCS Spring Week 8 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCSNASpring2015Week8
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League of Legends Season 5 NA League Championship Series Week 8 Day 2.
Second match of the day - TSM vs CLG Game 2 of 2 of Spring split 2015.
TSM vs CLG G2 W8D2 full game in HD 720p.

Team Solomid Line-up:
Dyrus - top Lulu
Santorin - jungle Sejuani
Bjergsen - mid Zed
Wildturtle - ADC Corki
Lustboy - support Thresh

Counter Logic Gaming Line-up:
ZionSpartan - Top Kennen
Xmithie - Jungle Rek'Sai
LiNk - Mid Ahri
Doublelift - ADC Jinx
Aphromoo - Support Janna

Patch: 5.5 - Season 5
Game date: 22.03.2015 | 03/22/2015 | March 22nd 2015
Game place: LCS Studio, USA
Casters: Phreak, Rivington and Jatt

S5 NA LCS Spring Week 7 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCSNASpring2015Week7
S5 NA LCS Spring Week 6 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCSNASpring2015Week6
S5 NA LCS Spring Week 5 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCSNASpring2015Week5
S5 NA LCS Spring Week 4 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCSNASpring2015Week4
Week 1-3 playlist: http://bit.ly/LCSNASpring2015

Check out the awesome content on my Senpai channel:
LCK Spring 2015: http://bit.ly/S5LCKSpring2015
LPL Spring 2015: http://bit.ly/S5LPLSpring2015
Korean Solo King tournament: http://bit.ly/SoloKing2015

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