1: Introduction To PHP | Procedural PHP Tutorial For Beginners | PHP Tutorial | mmtuts

Описание к видео 1: Introduction To PHP | Procedural PHP Tutorial For Beginners | PHP Tutorial | mmtuts

For a long time now, my PHP tutorial course has been in need of an upgrade. So here is episode 1 on my new Procedural PHP tutorial course for beginners!

For my Patrons I just want to mention that the first 7 or so videos in this course, were recorded and edited long time ago. So the Patron supporters at the end of the first 7 videos doesn't match with my current supporters. But I will have you all included in the newer videos :)


OOP PHP Playlist:    • 1: Introduction To OOP PHP | Object O...  
XAMPP: https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html


First of all, thank you for all the support you have given me!

I am really glad to have such an awesome community on my channel. It motivates me to continue creating and uploading content! So thank you!

I am now using Patreon to share improved and updated lesson material, and for a small fee you can access all the material. I have worked hard, and done my best to help you understand what I teach.

I hope you will find it helpful :)

Material for this lesson:   / lesson-material-42361704  


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