Become A Power BI Power User With DAX

Описание к видео Become A Power BI Power User With DAX

Business Intelligent Summit are action packed live events showcasing a variety of beginner to advanced Power BI/Power Platform tips and techniques. Summit sessions have a unique focus on how anyone can build and develop analytical solutions with Power BI that solve real-world business problems. Thousands attend these events live to watch and learn from a real-time demo.

**** Details of what you will learn during this event series module ****
Control - the Query, Filter, and Row contexts to write DAX expressions
Realize - what you can achieve when you use the CALCULATE function to inject a filter context
Learn - how to do a calculated column and solve problems using the X function
Perform - dynamic analysis of data through context transition in DAX
Gauge - your labor force's productivity by applying the DAX contexts to measure FTE

#EnterpriseDNA #PowerBI #PowerBIDesktop #PowerBITutorial #DAX #DAXTutorial #PowerQuery #PowerQueryTutorial


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