Black Pepper For THC Related Problems

Описание к видео Black Pepper For THC Related Problems

Dr. Stein, I heard something about black pepper and how that can be an antidote to THC-related problems. Is that true?

Hi everybody. I am Dr. Dan Stein and we will be discussing that item today.

It turns out that black pepper has a component called beta-caryophyllene. Beta-caryophyllene is found in black pepper and also in certain cannabis varieties.

It’s a very interesting molecule and we’re going to talk some more about that as part of our series on molecular biochemistry.

Beta-caryophyllene has special effects when used in cannabis therapy. It binds to the CB2 receptor, basically functioning as a cannabinoid as well as a terpene.

It has antioxidant effects. It’s a potent anti-inflammatory and it also protects the stomach lining. So imagine this. A medication that has anti-inflammatory effects and protects the stomach lining. That’s beta-caryophyllene as opposed to some of the other pharmaceuticals that are available out there for pain relief like the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that can cause stomach ulcers.

Beta-caryophyllene reduces inflammation and does not cause any stomach irritation. Plus like black pepper, it has the bonus effect of reducing THC-related overactivity. For example in patients who use a little too much THC, one toke over the line if you will, you can use Beta-caryophyllene in black pepper to reduce that high. So you’re not paranoid or anxious. It can help slow the heart rate and as one possible antidote for too much THC, people in the business know that using black pepper, just smelling the black pepper, can help bring them down a little bit.

We also know that there are other antidotes to too much THC. For example CBD. If you use CBD, it can mitigate the effects of THC. The recent studies show that doses of 50 or 100 or 150 milligrams of CBD may be necessary to have that effect.

So when it comes to beta-caryophyllene, we know that it has a variety of uses, all beneficial. So please, think about using some black pepper if you’re one toke over the line or if you need anti-inflammatory effects and still some stomach protection.

I’m Dr. Dan Stein and that’s our video for today. Please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Located in beautiful Sarasota, Florida, the offices of Neurology of Cannabis are open to all full-time and seasonal Florida residents exploring medical treatment options with medical marijuana.

Lead physician and Board Certified Neurologist, Daniel P. Stein, M.D. performs all patient examinations and evaluates patient medical records to develop customized and effective treatment plans.

We make the process of qualifying, registering, obtaining, and renewing access to medical marijuana in Florida as easy as possible. At Neurology of Cannabis, we are passionate about the effective use of medical marijuana to transform the health of our patients.

Neurology of Cannabis
5602 Marquesas Circle, Suite 108
Phone: (941) 400-1211
Sarasota, Florida 34233


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