Let's Hunt some Orcs LOTR 1.28 [HD 1080p]

Описание к видео Let's Hunt some Orcs LOTR 1.28 [HD 1080p]

Lord of the Rings. Fellowship of the Ring Extended HD 1080p Xvid AC3. Watch in 1080p fullscreen, enjoy. Medivh.

Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore.
You mean not to follow them?
Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands.
Then it has all been in vain! The Fellowship has failed.
Not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left.
Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let us hunt some Orc!

Final episode for fellowship of the ring. More is coming.


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