My September and October 'faith plan' | iswasandstilltocome

Описание к видео My September and October 'faith plan' | iswasandstilltocome

Hi everyone! My name is Renee, and I pray that we will grow in faith together!
In this video I'd like to show you how I've been in the Word and how I've been spending time with Jesus during the month of September. I'd also like to share what books and Bible chapters I'd like to read in October.

✞ Contact for business enquiries: ✞
[email protected]

✞ My Amazon shopping lists: ✞
Bibles I own:
Devotionals and Christian books:
My Bible study essentials:
My faith wishlist:

✞ Music in this video: ✞
I Feel Great - Jeremy Korpas
July - John Patitucci

#biblevers #bibleverses #biblescripture #biblestudy #bible #godisgood #godislove #jesussavedmylife #jesuslovesyou #daugtherofgod #godschild #godsword #christian #christianity #believe #flipthrough #bibleflipthrough #biblejournal #biblejournaling #ephesians #psalms #thrivebible #thrive #thrivedevotionalbible


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