#07 Word 365 Tutorial Foundation - Borders and Shading in a Word document

Описание к видео #07 Word 365 Tutorial Foundation - Borders and Shading in a Word document

Word 365 Tutorial Foundation - Word 365 Borders and Shading

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If you are based in Perth, Western Australia, please see my Australian website and you can arrange one-to-one consultancy to design or improve your website.

I offer consultancy in SEO, WordPress, DIVI theme and YouTube marketing. https://4seotraining.com.au David Murray Perth, Western Australia


SEO Tutorials    • SEO Tutorials for Beginners  

DIVI    • DIVI Tutorials for Beginners  

Word 365 Tutorials – Foundation    • Word 365 Tutorials – Foundation  

Word 365 Tutorials – Intermediate    • Word 365 Tutorials – Intermediate  

Excel 365 Tutorials – Foundation    • Excel 365 Tutorials – Foundation  

Excel 365 Tutorials – Intermediate    • Excel 365 Tutorials – Intermediate  

Excel 365 Tutorials – Advanced    • Excel 365 Tutorials – Advanced  

PowerPoint 365 Tutorials – Foundation    • PowerPoint 365 Tutorials – Foundation  

PowerPoint 365 Tutorials – Intermediate    • Плейлист  

PowerPoint 365 Tutorials – Advanced
   • PowerPoint 365 Tutorials – Advanced  


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