Imagine if Makoa Was THIS STRONG! (Paladins Truly Talented LTM)

Описание к видео Imagine if Makoa Was THIS STRONG! (Paladins Truly Talented LTM)

Makoa has two very funny talents in the Truly Talented LTM. The first one is Davey Jones Locker, which lets him infinitely shell spin! While not very practical, it's certainly very fun to roll around on your belly the entire match. The second talent, however, is much more compelling. Quite simply, it gives him a massive damage buff on his primary fire - from 575 up to a whopping 800! This absurd damage increase makes Makoa incredibly lethal and extremely fun!

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Intro and Outro Music by Darkseeker111:   / christian-tuipulotu  

Officially a Paladins Partner as of September 2021.
Paladins Streamer of the Year 2022 Crystal Award Winner.

#Paladins #AndrewChicken


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