Conversations with Tyndale House Scholars in America | Episode 17

Описание к видео Conversations with Tyndale House Scholars in America | Episode 17

Rebecca G. S. Idestrom is professor of Old Testament at Tyndale University, Toronto. She has a PhD in Biblical Studies/Old Testament from the University of Sheffield in England. In addition to having published her most recent book Show Me Your Glory: The Glory of God in the Old Testament, she is the author of two commentaries, “Habakkuk” and “Zephaniah” in The Book of the Twelve, edited by John Christopher Thomas (2020), and From Biblical Theology to Biblical Criticism: Old Testament Scholarship at Uppsala University, 1866–1922 (2000). She has also published several articles, essays, and book reviews. In 2007, Idestrom was awarded the Research Scholar Award from the Centre of Mentorship and Theological Reflection in Toronto, and in 2004, the Mentoring Award from the SBL Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession at the Society of Biblical Literature Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Originally from Sweden but who has lived most of her life in Canada, Rebecca Idestrom is also musical and enjoys singing.

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