Prepare for Your DBA Deposition

Описание к видео Prepare for Your DBA Deposition (Maitland, Florida) (Cocoa Beach, Florida) Garfinkel Schwartz is a Defense Base Act Law and Longshore Act Law firm that helps injured and sick civilian contractors and longshoremen to regain denied medical care and benefits.

In this discussion, Florida Defense Base lawyer Brian Wiklendt walks clients through how to prepare for your DBA deposition.
Brian explains exactly what will happen in a deposition. Recently, Brian was talking to a client on Skype in the Maitland, Florida, office. The client was located overseas.

Brian explains in this video that a deposition is formal, but it is not a courtroom. It’s a chance for both sides to ask questions about the incident or accident that occurred.

Brian is with every Defense Base Act client for the depositions. There’s no way you should ever go into a deposition without an attorney to defend and protect your rights. Prepare for your DBA deposition with a skilled, experienced attorney.

The insurance company is responsible for his compensation payments and his medical issues. And they’re continuing to pay they have no issues or problems with that.

The video walks you through the DBA deposition process.


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