Battlefield 1 | Battlepack Series | The Worst UI Update

Описание к видео Battlefield 1 | Battlepack Series | The Worst UI Update

Hello viewers!

This Battlepack Series is one of my favorite projects on the channel, yet it's making is getting harder and harder. First DICE changed the Battlepack distribution system, with the removal of the RNG. It wouldn't have been a problem, if it hadn't ruined some game mode's drop rate. I used to collect my daily battlepacks in War Pigeon, but now, 3 of those matches don't even fill the half of the Battlepack bar. Unfortunate. It slowed down the production of my episodes, but no worries, it was not the end of the World.

The real problem is here now. DICE updated the Battlepack User Interface, and it is much worse, than before. Previously, I could show you all the battlepacks in a line, I could simply open one after another, but now, it's gone. I can see and open only 1 Battlepack, and sometimes the next Battlepack in line does not pop up correctly and have to make a manual refresh to it, to see it, via switching windows in the Battlepack menu. Ain't it convenient?

And this is only 1 thing, which is a bad update. Previously there was a little message after opening, wether you do or do not alerady own the skin, which was dropped. Now if I get a duplicate I have to go through my inventory, find it, and remove it manually after the opening. Well, thanks DICE, brilliant improvements. If this system remains as bad as it is now, I fear the end of the series is coming. I do not want to make videos from an unpleasant and inconvenient system, which forces me to downgrade my video quality, because of bad "improvements".

I will wait a bit, see what DICE is up to about it, if it changes to the better, the series will go on, but if not, then the next episode will be the last. If that will be the case, expect the biggest episode in the series' history. I will make sure we properly say farewell and celebrate the series itself with the biggest opening, on this channel.



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