What is the VARC Syllabus for CAT? | Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension | 2IIM CAT Prep

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The first step towards preparing for anything is to learn what it is all about in the first place.

What is the VARC Syllabus for CAT 2022?

What are the ideas that are being tested in the VARC Section and how should one approach them?

How many questions are asked from RCs? How about the Verbal Section?

Watch this concise video to learn all about the VARC Syllabus.

Stay Safe and Best Wishes for CAT!

Reading Comprehension:
This section comprises 5 RC passages which are usually 600-700 words in length.
Question Type: 4-5 MCQs based on each passage
No. of Questions: 24
Verbal Ability:
Paragraph Jumbles, Paragraph Summary, Sentence Elimination
Question Type : 3-4 questions, usually TITA, involving rearrangement of sentences in the right order.
2-3 questions, MCQs, involving the identification of the best summary for a given paragraph.
2-3 questions, involving the identification of the odd sentence in a given set of sentences.
Questions of these types are less common:
• Paragraph Completion
• Sentence Correction
• Critical Reasoning
• Fact Inference Judgement
No. of Questions: 10

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