Ending the False Hatebase / users gets criticized for milking my drama/ read the description

Описание к видео Ending the False Hatebase / users gets criticized for milking my drama/ read the description

this video will criticize your actions for calling me out with my passed proof when my passed can get you in lots of freaking trouble and called out plus this is 2024 not 2023 now you listen here you bunch of hypocrisy gravediggers you landed in to bea and joseph's damn trap to milk my 2023 drama want know why cause i got knowledge memory so no denying it plus you own me a big apology or im blocking you with no second chances and you wont be invited to my 26th birthday if you refuse cause im not letting you getting out this escalation cause i was awake all night stopping this scene agenst me now i suggest you end this false hatebase this damn instant im not joking im serious and you know damn well i get furious about the false claims bullsh.t about me behind my back now remove the expose and call out of me or ill take it down off camera and ill put you on the despise list of my channel till you learn not to do that bullsh,t towards a diagnosed user have i made myself clear not freaking joking now get your mind fixed and apologize for what you did or you will be on my despise list im not joking not mention do you not damn realize how many f..king years i was diagnosed by this epilepsy seance i was born it proves you dont fucking care if i end up in heaven if the seizure goes on more attempts due to anything if its not sleeping or Furious but so Far you freaking triggered me by this crap hatebase its going end now i strongly mean it and if you refuse to end it then you be on despise list till you do end it case closed end of discussion

and everyone


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