外国人観光客が、鹿ちゃんに大絶叫!日本から、楽しい思い出を自国に持って帰れて、良かった!奈良公園。Foreign tourists scream at the deer! Nara Park.

Описание к видео 外国人観光客が、鹿ちゃんに大絶叫!日本から、楽しい思い出を自国に持って帰れて、良かった!奈良公園。Foreign tourists scream at the deer! Nara Park.


[4k 60fps映像] 奈良公園は、訪れる外国人観光客にとって日本の魅力を体験できる人気のスポットです。公園内を自由に歩き回る鹿たちは、訪れる人々にとって特に人気の的です。ある日、奈良公園を訪れた観光客たちは、鹿せんべいを持って鹿たちに近づきました。彼らは鹿たちと触れ合い、餌やりを楽しんでいました。



Foreign tourists scream at the deer! I was surprised to have my butt eaten! I'm glad I was able to bring back some fun memories from Japan to my home country! Nara Park, Japan.

[4k 60fps video] Nara Park is a popular spot for foreign tourists to experience the charms of Japan. The deer that roam freely in the park are especially popular with visitors. One day, tourists visiting Nara Park approached the deer with deer crackers. They were interacting with the deer and enjoying feeding them.

At that moment, a deer approached a tourist from behind, and an unexpected event occurred. The deer pecked the tourist's butt, and the surprised tourist couldn't help but scream out loud. The people around were surprised by this sudden happening, and laughter spread. It was a moment when many tourists were captivated by the free and friendly deer.

This incident became an unforgettable memory for the tourists who were there, and they said, "My experience in Japan was full of unexpected surprises and fun." They left Nara Park with smiles on their faces, glad to have been able to bring the unique experience of Japan back to their home countries. Their interaction with the deer of Nara was deeply etched in the tourists' minds as part of Japan's special charm.


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