Beast In Black - No Easy Way Out {Northman Cover} {Bass Guitar} 99.7% Accuracy {Please See Details}

Описание к видео Beast In Black - No Easy Way Out {Northman Cover} {Bass Guitar} 99.7% Accuracy {Please See Details}

First things first... That was my 1st Full Attempt @ this song on Bass Guitar... I've attempted it on 6-String quite a few times though because I LOVE THIS SONG!

One of my all time favorite films... I absolutely adore this version of the song! ... I cannot even begin to guess how many thousands of hours of my own training that this film has inspired in my life...

I've spent literally weeks of my lifetime pushing myself to the brink of collapse to this as a background... I first started martial arts and lifting weights both, decades ago, because of the Rocky & Drago... I wanted to be like them and that inspiration has been invaluable.

When you truly look back over the events and circumstances of your life you sometimes see things like this... This film, without any question at all, has massively shaped my life, actions, and who I am to this day... All, very much in a positive way... I wouldn't trade it for a single thing and I wouldn't be who I am without it... I know that to many that seems stupid or improbable but I can tell you for a fact that it is not...

You would be surprised where you children will find their inspiration... That inspiration can lead to everything from achieving dreams to completely wrecking their entire lives in any number of horrific and quite permanent ways... Don't think for a second that a child isn't taking messages from a film, television show, or even from you, that you didn't even know were there... Be exceedingly careful where your children learn things from...

Yes, you would often be quite surprised the positive messages that can be found in sometimes unexpected places or just in far higher quantity that you ever thought might be present... That also works on the converse as well though and that's the danger inherent... The wrong messages will confuse kids and set them down many different paths to tragic outcomes... The right ones can drive them to the greatest heights for a lifetime...

Take Care! ::: Think Deeply! ::: Think Twice & Do What is Right, Not What is Expected or "Normal" ::: Never compromise that even when to do so requires you to stand alone! ::: "It is better to Fight & Fall than to live Without Hope"

Also Remember This : Everybody thinks they're correct but most are not... Question yourself as much as you question others... I thought I knew everything when I was 20'something... I know now that I didn't know f**k-all about jack-s**t... I'm an extreme introvert and spend 3/4 of my mental energy questioning myself on a daily basis... There seems to be vast amounts of energy available for doing this with but it never turns off... I still don't know jack but I know VASTLY more now than I did then... Question your beliefs and whether they're correct and truly of the best intentions... Hitler thought he was doing what was right... Stalin thought the same thing... Pol Pot did as well, and Che Guevara and Castro and I could go on and on.


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