Both Sides Now | Joni Reimagined | Showreel | BOOK NOW

Описание к видео Both Sides Now | Joni Reimagined | Showreel | BOOK NOW

#BothSidesNow #liveshow #redtenbachersfunkestra

**Now booking for November 2023 and March 2024**

For live show bookings contact Mark Ede [email protected]
For compilation and licensing requests contact Stefan Redtenbacher info@rsbrecords

More info

Thank you to all musicians: Rumer, Jo Harman, Jana Varga, Mim Grey, Ren Harvieu, Sarah Jane Morris, Mike Mayfield, Mike Sturgis, Karl Vanden Bossche, Joe Glossop, Pete Billington, Doug Harper, Terry Lewis, Carter Arrington and Stefan Redtenbacher

Video by Leo Mansell (Shoot and Splice Films)
Sound by James Welch (Masterlink Productions)
Photos courtesy of Annika Bisson, Laurence Harvey and Gisbert Rodammer
Video footage courtesy of Masterlink Sessions


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