The Last Remnant is TERRIBLE... but also AMAZING

Описание к видео The Last Remnant is TERRIBLE... but also AMAZING

Rush Hour | The Last Remnant Review

An RPG that doesn't explain 90% of its systems. A game that doesn't care if you can't beat it. Square Enix's modern classic that they removed from Steam and refuse to bring back. Forget those dime-a-dozen jrpgs sitting in your backlog, waiting to see the light of day; THIS game - The Last Remnant - is what you should bring to the forefront.

Forget Final Fantasy. If you want an adventure rpg with the fat trimmed, all while set to the most rockin' music in the genre, look no further.

0:00 A game that wants you to fail
1:40 Square Enix hates their fans
3:14 Hiding key information
6:46 Class system and party member complexity
10:09 Battles are chaotic
12:48 The importance of luck
14:38 The highs and lows of sidequesting
16:14 A rewarding experience for players that put in the effort


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