Equine rotation week | Cambridge University vet student vlog #8

Описание к видео Equine rotation week | Cambridge University vet student vlog #8

Hey friends this video is about my experience on equine ambulatory rotation at Cambridge Veterinary School :) This was filmed 2 months or so ago and finally got around to editing it! I didn't film any of the vet work because of client confidentiality and respecting clients so credits to the animal footage are linked below ;)

0:00 intro
0:29 packing for rotation
0:56 equine dentistry
1:51 equine vaccinations
2:34 lunch time
3:17 back to work - wound and colics, swollen hock conditions
4:00 evening rant
4:47 news of second lockdown & uncertainties
6:32 end of rotation

Footage credits
⚫DaddyKirbs Farm:    • HORSE TEETH - Equine Dentistry and Va...  
⚫Horse & Dressage videos:    • Horse First Aid - Wounds, Healing & B...  
⚫SmartPak:    • Equine Colic Exams  

Icon credits to Freepik https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik

⚫Equine dental videos:    • Webinar: Keeping on top of your horse...   and    • Comprehensive Equine Dental Exam  

🎶Music by 🎶
~Mario Ayuda - Keep Going - https://thmatc.co/?l=477BEEB4
~VALNTN - Mona Lisa - https://thmatc.co/?l=85B102B6
~Mr. Chase - Wild Cherry - https://thmatc.co/?l=AB815EDE
~ninjoi. - Where Do I Go - https://thmatc.co/?l=00DD810A

I think horses are so cool, what about you? :)

Other videos you might enjoy:
🐱 Small animal rotation vlog:    • Small animal rotation week | Cambridg...  
🐶 Anaesthesia rotation vlog:    • Anaesthesia rotation | Cambridge Univ...  

🌻 Come and say hi🌻
Join my newsletter: https://www.mayyeanc.com/
Insta: @mayyeanc
X: @mayyean

🎥My simple gear 🎥
~Camera: iPhone XR
~Audio: BOYA clip on mic https://amzn.to/3mUgAjj& iphone- headphone jack adapter (Apple store)
~Tripod stand: https://amzn.to/38AGraZ
~Video editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC

~ Thank you for stopping by and I hope this video made you smile :)
~ Comment, like and subscribe for more :)


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