Cucumber Options

Описание к видео Cucumber Options

features: We use Cucumber features option to define path of feature file.

glue: We use Cucumber glue option to define path of step definition file.

plugins: We use Cucumber plugins option to generate output or test results in different types of formats.
Eg: HTML Report, Junit, Cucumber Report etc..

monochrome: We use Cucumber monochrome option to print console output in a very readable format.
monochrome must be set to true in order to achieve it.

dryRun: We use Cucumber dryRun option to check whether all the steps from feature files has got methods and implemented or no in Step Definition File.
Before execution of program dryRun must be set to true and we need to make sure that all steps are implemented in Step Definition File.
Once we are sure that all steps are implemented then dryRun must be set to False and we should continue with Test Execution.

tags: We use Cucumber tags option when we have more number of scenarios in a single feature file which represents different purpose Smoke, Sanity, Regression etc in such cases we can make use tags option.
Eg: tags= @ Smoke It will pick only and only those scenarios which are tagged with Smoke in feature files.


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