How to Make Easy Homemade Wine from Store Bought Juice

Описание к видео How to Make Easy Homemade Wine from Store Bought Juice

How to Make your own Wine from Store Bought Grape Juice at Home using Bread Yeast! Yes, you can make wine at home with bread yeast. Can you use other yeasts? Sure, but they won't work the same in this exact recipe! It's science.
No, this is not "inmate wine" or "prison wine" or Pruno or anything close to that. This is just a basic red wine that anyone can brew at home. Before you start thinking this is any less "real wine" than others... what is wine made from? Grape juice, skins, yeast, water and sometimes added sugar. Take the skins out, it's white wine. Sure, ours will be red because the juice makers add dye (even though it's not in the ingredients!), but in the end, it's the same process as the big time wineries. Concord Grape isn't the most commonly used varietal for wine, but there are some that use it, and this wine tastes a lot like those brands, Manischewitz comes to mind. The flavors are fruity, sweet and light. A friend described it as "Grape juice with alcohol", and she loves it.

We made a page all about what GEAR you need for Brewing, have a look:

Using Aldi grape juice and bread yeast with some plain white sugar, watch Brian show you how to make the wine his friends call, "the best wine I've ever had". No kidding.

It comes out sweet, not dry, and it's ready to drink in just a couple of weeks! You gotta try this one.

Part Two:    • Tasting Cheap Wine - Brian's Sweet Re...  
Finale:    • Sweet Red Wine Finale.... It's Done!  
Things you will need:

1 Gallon Carboy with Airlock and stopper:
My black funnel!
Star San Sanitizer
Fleischmann's Yeast:

This recipe makes a gallon of sweet red wine.

1 gallon of grape juice with no preservatives (we use Aldi's juice)
2 1/2 cups of plain white sugar
1 teaspoon of yeast
2 weeks

Yeah, I know, we made a 20 minute video explaining how to add sugar and yeast to grape juice. It's more entertaining our way.

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