Small N Gauge Layout - Adding Signals

Описание к видео Small N Gauge Layout - Adding Signals

I ordered some cheap 2 and 3 aspect signal lights from eBay.
Not the finest quality(!), but they work and add some dynamic interest to the layout.

Two signals are installed and control is linked to the mainline points.
Point not thrown gives 2 greens.
Point thrown gives a caution yellow at the tunnel entrance, and a stop at the point.

Arduino code was simple enough -
1. Create classes for the 2 and 3 aspect signal lights.
2. Create instances for the north and south signals
3. Add logic in the void loop() method
// if point is thrown
// then
// set south signal stop (red)
// set north signal warning (amber)
// else
// set south signal clear (green)
// set north signal clear (green)
Sorry, but YouTube doesn't allow pasted code...

The layout doesn't really lend itself to much more - maybe 2 aspect signal on yard exit and a 2 aspect light on the mine exit. But I'm not convinced that I'll do that...


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