Dream Island 360° Terrascape

Описание к видео Dream Island 360° Terrascape

Dream Island 360° Terrascape || Wabi-Kusa style Terrarium in a bell jar

I had bought a 3 lit cloche or bell jar at a discounted price on Amazon long back in the hope of using it in one of my projects. I have been toying with several design ideas since then. One of the things I really wanted was a build that would look great when viewed from from all sides and angles making it a truly 360° scape. Finally I decided on a design in my head and picked up the project. I used a planter bottom tray for the base since the cloche top was sitting inside the glass bottom plate making it difficult to build the scape directly on it. I selected some driftwood pieces from my collection and built a dead tree trunk using sponge filter fibers and super glue to stick them together. I used think pieces of driftwood for more detailing mimicking vines climbing up a tree. I applied a paste of aquasoil powder and sphagnum moss mixed with water on some of the cracks and crevices of the dead tree on which I later attached fissidens moss to it. Next I poured aquasoil on the plastic tray and placed the tree on it. I poured in more aquasoil around the base and proceeded to detail the scape further with some river stones. Next I sprayed the soil and proceeded with planting. Below are the plants I used for this scape
-Bolbitis Fern
-Alternanthera reineckii mini
-Anubias nana petite
-Hydrocotyle tripartita mini
-Bucephalandra sp sintang
-Ludwigia repens super red
-Ranunculus innandatus
I added some more detailing in the form of riverstones and thin driftwood pieces. Next I gave the terrascape a thorough misting, added some springtails and closed it up.


0:00 - Intro with cloche or bell jar
0:08 - Selecting hardscape
0:38 - Creating the hardscape
1:20 - Applying paste of aquasoil powder and sphagnum moss on wood
1:33 - Adding aquasoil to the tray and placing the hardscape
1:50 - Detailing with riverstones
2:01 - The plant propagation box is brought in
2:07 - Attaching moss on the driftwood
2:18 - Planting the terrascape
3:26 - adding more moss in the foreground
3:52 - More detailing with riverstones
4:16 - Adding springtails
4:31 - Further detailing with thin driftwood pieces
4:45 - 360 degree viewing and closing up

The urban nemophilist lives in the city but his heart and soul lives in the forest and wherever there is green.

The celebration of colours, the ambient sounds, the mystic scent and the fascinating wildlife that make up the forestlands and waterbodies of our earth is the elixir of his life.

The urban nemophilist attempts to capture all of this through his green art and sustainable gardening activities while his sketching and music sets up the mood for what is nature-appreciation at its best.

His goal is to create awareness on conservation of nature and wildlife through is art and sustainable initiatives.

Terrariums | Aquascapes | Dish Gardens | Bonsai | Gardening |Sketching | Music | Nature Walk
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Music :
Images of tomorrow by Unicorn heads
YouTube audio Library

#theurbannemophilist #Terrascape #terrarium


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