Texas Energy System 101 - The Energy Academy: ERCOT

Описание к видео Texas Energy System 101 - The Energy Academy: ERCOT

Welcome to The Energy Academy: ERCOT by Modo!

In this series, we’ll introduce ERCOT and its role in Texas' energy system.

By the end of this course, you’ll understand:

•What ERCOT is and its place within North America's power system
• The different organizations that ERCOT interacts with and how they fit together
• All the ways that power is bought and sold in ERCOT from years ahead of delivery all the way up to real time
• How ERCOT works as a nodal power market - how and why prices differ from location to location and the factors that go into determining these prices
• The ways in which ERCOT ensures that supply and demand of power are balanced in Texas at all times and much much more.

Want to learn more? Head along to our platform:


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