No Sochi 2014: Day 3 at Vancouver Olympics - Russia's Sochi World (Russian Subtitles)

Описание к видео No Sochi 2014: Day 3 at Vancouver Olympics - Russia's Sochi World (Russian Subtitles)

Members of the No Sochi 2014 Committee traveled to the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver Olympics. This is an account of their third day protesting at Sochi World.

Акция протеста в Ванкувере против проведения Олимпийских Игр в Сочи. Пикет возле Русского дома в Ванкувере.

For more information about Sochi, the Circassian Land of Genocide, please visit:
Many thanks to our friends at Circassia.Ru & Adigam.Com for adding these subtitles.


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