Japan vs India which country is more polluted ?

Описание к видео Japan vs India which country is more polluted ?

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Japan is one of the cleanest and non-polluted countries in the world and the reason behind it is they want their country to be clean not only the government, but even the people from japan also want their country to be clean every morning you’ll find various people in Japan sweeping up around their house or place of employment. These are not building maintenance workers, but shop keepers, office men, nurses, etc.
People in Japan have their own freshwater spring and they rinse their vegetables in the same water. They use eco-friendly soaps that wouldn’t contaminate their water and they use the water in different ways in different applications and not a single drop is wasted. From each house, water flows in the canals and watercourses which carry it down to the lake which is the habitat of 1 thousand animal and plant species which keeps everything balanced.
India is just the opposite of japan here the people want their clothes, vehicles, house to be clean but not the environment. let’s get together and make India better and Clean.


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