Wednesday Night BIBLE Study! 🙏🏽
“The Lampstand”
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#sathelampstand #Biblestudy #wednesdayfuel

Being a "lampstand in Christ" is a powerful metaphor drawn from Scripture, particularly from the book of Revelation (Revelation 1:12-20). In these passages, Jesus walks among seven golden lampstands, which represent the seven churches. The lampstand is symbolic of the church’s role in the world and of each believer's role as a light-bearer for Christ.

**Illuminating the World**: Just as a lampstand holds up a lamp to shine light, believers are called to hold up the light of Christ in a dark world. Jesus is the light, and we, as His followers, reflect that light, revealing truth, love, and hope to others (Matthew 5:14-16).

**Standing Firm**: A lampstand provides a stable base, ensuring that the light shines brightly and doesn’t waver. Likewise, being a lampstand in Christ means standing firm in faith, providing stability for others and not being shaken by the challenges of life.

**Bearing Responsibility**: The lampstand’s purpose is to serve the lamp, making sure the light continues to shine. In the same way, believers are responsible for maintaining their spiritual life, staying connected to Christ (the light), and ensuring they live out their faith for others to see.

**Presence of the Holy Spirit**: In Revelation, the lampstands are also symbolic of the churches being filled with the Holy Spirit. As a lampstand, a believer is a vessel that carries and reflects the presence of the Holy Spirit to the world.

In essence, being a lampstand in Christ means to live in such a way that His light shines through us, guiding others toward Him and living out our purpose as His representatives on earth.


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