GI Imaging - Hepatic Steatosis and Cirrhosis

Описание к видео GI Imaging - Hepatic Steatosis and Cirrhosis

Audience: Medical Students, Junior Radiology Residents, or GI Fellows

Learning Objectives:
Recognize and describe increased echogenicity of the liver associated with hepatic steatosis
Recognize and describe surface nodularity and coarsened hepatic echotexture associated with hepatic cirrhosis

Accumulation of lipid in the hepatocytes
Most commonly detected in Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and Alcohol liver disease
Detected as increase echogencity on ultrasound
Loss of distinct periportal fat
Increased echogencitiy compared to kidney

Development of fibrosis in the liver
Only apparent on ultrasound once severe
Coarsened echotexture
Surface nodularity


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