Making a Trumpet Leadpipe (Mouthpipe)

Описание к видео Making a Trumpet Leadpipe (Mouthpipe)

This is a one-piece reverse leadpipe for a Bb trumpet

00:00 Turning the mandrel
00:44 Bending the sheet brass
04:15 Brazing the seam
07:06 Seam cleanup
09:13 Mounting the Mandrel and nosing the tip
10:00 Drawing the leadpipe - Pass 1: Brass Washer
12:30 Drawing the venturi - Pass 2: Brass Die
13:25 Drawing smooth - Final Pass: Polypropylene
15:46 Pulling the leadpipe off the mandrel
17:21 Adding a mouthpiece receiver
17:50 The Finished Product

HighScream Brass - maker of Venturi Trumpets and ElderWind Leadpipes
music: The Woody Witt Big Band plays Cowboy Bebop
full show:    • The Woody Witt Big Band Plays Cowboy ...  


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