Am Yisrael Chai - Chaya Kogan- עם ישראל חי - חיה קוגן -Kol Isha- For women and girls only

Описание к видео Am Yisrael Chai - Chaya Kogan- עם ישראל חי - חיה קוגן -Kol Isha- For women and girls only

When Operation Guardian of the Walls was taking place in Israel in May of 2021 to restore order when thousands of rockets were being fired at Israeli civilians, I kept hearing of incidents of Jews bullied and attacked on streets across the world. And the one sole reason? For being associated with Israel.
I was horrified that this land that is rightfully ours, handed down to us from generation to generation from our forefathers to this day, was the reason Jews were feeling unsafe to leave their homes all over the world!
I created a song to help every Jew feel proud of our small but special country, and proud of our nation too.
May we all merit to come back home and live peacefully in the holy land of Israel!
❤ Chaya

Please Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel for more music and videos!

According to jewish tradition, men aren't permitted to hear women sing (Who aren't immediate family).
Being on the internet open to everyone, I kindly request your consideration for my religious practice.
I create my music "By women for women".
Thank you!

Thanks for watching friends!
My full album "The Power Is You" and other singles are available to buy or stream on all music platforms:

Google play:


To connect on social media:
FB:   / chaya-kogan-1770224556339756  
IG:   / chayakogan_official  

To book a concert/event or get in touch, email:
[email protected]

Lyrics: Chaya Kogan, DeScribe
Composed by: Sruli Broncher
Music arrangement: Sruli Broncher
Recorded, mixed, mastered by: Sruli Broncher
Recorded at: Synthy Music studios

Video credits:
Videographer: Yitzchak Kelman
Directing and editing: Sruli Broncher
After effects and coloring: Sruli Broncher
Choreography: Rotem Lev
Rotem Lev
Rotem Glazer
Lee Wainer
Yael Guinzburg
Sarale Jacobs

Outfits: Banana- Fashion
Makeup and hair: Rivka Kiselman
Car: Lavan Van

Special thank you to the Roitman family.
And last but not least,
My husband, children and family for their constant support on my musical journey.


Am Yisrael Chai
אנו עם קטן חזק ומאוחד
עם אלוקים שכל הדרך איתנו
ויש בנו משהו מיוחד
שאהבת חינם היא הקיום שלנו

וזה ידוע שאנו פלא לעולם
איך ומדוע העם שלנו עוד קיים
כלום, אותנו לא ישבור
בסוף כולנו הביתה נחזור

(Translation of hebrew verses:
We are a small, strong and unified nation
With G-d who is with us all the way
And there's something special about us
Our love for each other is our existence

And it's known that we're a mystery to the world
How and why our nation still exists
Nothing will break us
In the end we'll all come home)

We're coming home
Eh eh we're coming home
We're coming home
We're coming coming coming home

Am am am Yisrael
Am yisrael chai chai...

We will never turn our back on our homeland
It was given to us personally from G-ds hand
From the mountains to the see to the hot sand
We will take a stand

To the wall everyday yeah we all pray
And it really doesn't matter what the world say
Through generations passed down until this day
We are here to stay!

ארץ זבת חלב ודבש...

We're coming home
I always knew and I believed
We'd be coming home
We're coming home


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