Unlocking the Mystery of React's Re Rendering - Ankita Kulkarni - React Rally 2023

Описание к видео Unlocking the Mystery of React's Re Rendering - Ankita Kulkarni - React Rally 2023

Ankita Kulkarni - React Rally 2023

Your users will not care what tech you used but how fast your app loads. Have you used a hot new stack that everyone loves but still doesn’t know how to make it performant? Well, it’s because we think about performance as an afterthought after it becomes a bottleneck and when our infra gets costly, ouch!

But there is a way to solve this, introducing Core React. We won’t be introducing new tools but going back to how we need to tell React what the DOM should look like. In this talk, we will finally understand why useCallback and useMemo are used, why lighthouse doesn’t represent performance, why React re-renders? and lastly how to profile it with React Devtools.


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