How Much Do Facebook Software Engineers Make? (Facebook Software Engineer Salary)

Описание к видео How Much Do Facebook Software Engineers Make? (Facebook Software Engineer Salary)

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So how much do Facebook software engineers make? This is a question that has been asked quite a few times in the comments section so I figured it was time to give in and break down all of the Facebook software developer salary information that is out there. We will also talk about Facebook benefits, both core (health insurance, time off, etc) and the more exciting ones (free food, on-site spas, free laundry, etc). At the start of the video we also talk about how stock grants work at Facebook because they are a little different from other companies out there. Who knows, maybe after watching this video you'll become a techlead millionaire at Facebook 😉

As with every single video I do about software engineering, if you have any questions or comments please let me know below 😊

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0:00 - Intro
0:29 - Total Compensation At Facebook
1:24 - Entry Level Software Engineer Salary
2:04 - Software Engineer Salary
2:35 - Senior Software Engineer Salary
3:21 - Staff Software Engineer Salary
4:10 - Senior Staff Software Engineer Salary
4:50 - Principal Software Engineer Salary
5:37 - Distinguished Software Engineer Salary
6:27 - Benefits At Facebook
6:51 - Core Benefits At Facebook
8:13 - Other Benefits At Facebook

Salary and Benefits Information:
Income Calculator:
Top 1 Percent of 1 Percent:

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