6.3 The de Broglie Relation and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle | General Chemistry

Описание к видео 6.3 The de Broglie Relation and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle | General Chemistry

Chad provides a brief lesson showing students exactly what they need to know regarding the de Broglie Relation and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This includes sample calculations and little interesting history as a bonus.

I've embedded this playlist as a course on my website with all the lessons organized by chapter in a collapsible menu and much of the content from the study guide included on the page. Check this lesson out at https://www.chadsprep.com/chads-gener...

If you want all my study guides, quizzes, final exam reviews, and practice exams, check out my General Chemistry Master Course (free trial available) at https://www.chadsprep.com/genchem-you...

00:00 Lesson Introduction
00:42 de Broglie Relation
03:57 Calculating the de Broglie Wavelength
05:45 Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle



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