Hollow Knight Cut Content (EDIT: I know the Hive has a boss now, please shut up.)

Описание к видео Hollow Knight Cut Content (EDIT: I know the Hive has a boss now, please shut up.)

Here's a video detailing the content that was cut from Hollow Knight. Well, we talk about some other stuff too.

Here's a link to a blog post full of all the information provided in this video and more.

Link to script:

Translate this video into another language through Amara:

Other links to stuff:

Kickstarter Page

Cut Content Mod

Roundtable Live Podcast
   • Roundtable Live! - 7/21/2017 (Ep. 95 ...  

Creative Hustlers Show
   • INTERVIEW W/ ARI GIBSON: Hollow Knigh...  

Reddit AMA
  / we_are_team_cherry_the_developers_of_hollow  

PC Gamer article

Rock Paper Shotgun article


Video Chapters:
00:00 Spoiler Warning
00:10 Introduction
01:36 This video is OLD
02:30 Blundering Oberlisk
03:26 Mushroom Villager
03:59 Cut Abilities
04:21 Forgotten Crossroads Church
05:44 Vengeful Spirit Precursor
06:05 Dream Diving
07:40 Swimming
08:00 Giant Spider
08:49 Snail
09:21 Sly's Shop
09:39 Snail...s!
10:29 White Palace
10:54 Additional Quests Goal
14:59 Wii U
15:22 PS Vita
15:36 Colosseum of Fools
16:31 Dryya Fight
17:07 Forest of Bones
22:05 Cut Crabello :(
22:35 Cut Charms
23:17 Unused Art/Rooms
25:42 Unused Dialogue
32:26 Ari's Sketchbook
33:59 Conclusion


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