
Описание к видео #CheckYourNeck

Hey! Welcome to my channel! I really want to create a positive and uplifting place to talk openly about my experience with having thyroid cancer, all the way from diagnosis to post surgery recovery.
It is such a rare form of cancer and is unfortunately very common in young women, I couldn't think of a better way to raise awareness and help others than by sharing my story.

I want to start off by saying that I am not a medical professional. I am simply sharing my story as if you are listening to a friend. If you have any concerns please see your doctor for proper care and medical attention. Below are links that I trust to help give you accurate information about this condition.

NHS Thyroid Cancer - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/thyroid...
Macmillan Support - https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-i...
Butterfly Thyroid Cancer Trust - http://www.butterfly.org.uk

My goal is to upload a video every week covering a different topic surrounding thyroid cancer and hopefully it will be useful to someone out there!

Thank you for watching and for being patient with my speech as I learn to use my tongue properly again. As always I am so grateful for all the love and support I have received. Subscribe if you find my video interesting and feel free to share if you think it would be useful to anybody else!
Lots of Love, Eleanor xxxxx

Instagram: @EleanorLakin
Twitter: @EleanorLakin

Track: Someday
Artist: Federico Fabbiano
Music provided by Oak Studios
   • [No Copyright Music] Someday - Acoust...  


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