Measuring anti-corruption compliance in your company

Описание к видео Measuring anti-corruption compliance in your company

As companies implement various anti-corruption ethics and compliance measures within their operations, it becomes increasingly important to track and analyze metrics, adjusting actions to improve performance against goals, thereby ensuring continuous monitoring and improvement. Measurement of anti-corruption compliance becomes indispensable for companies to not only maintain ethical standards and comply with legal requirements, but also inform investors' decision making, as this information is important for analyzing investment opportunities and risks.

In this fifth edition of the Global Webinar Series on Business Integrity organized by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the UN Global Compact, we delved into the intricacies of assessing anti-corruption compliance programmes. The session featured presentations by UNODC and the UN Global Compact and brought on board practitioners from Brazil, Malaysia, South Africa and Switzerland. During the session, panellists discussed practical insights on, among other items, the importance of anti-corruption compliance measurement, frameworks and methodologies for assessing the effectiveness of anti-corruption compliance programmes, key performance indicators and metrics for evaluating anti-corruption efforts, harnessing of technology and data analytics in compliance measurement and how to navigate challenges such as data privacy concerns and evolving regulatory landscapes.

The webinar series serves as a platform to facilitate peer-to-peer learning, share lessons learned and contribute to a global conversation on business integrity. The series further aims to make good practices, current challenges and effective approaches easily accessible, promoting structured and inclusive discussions. Immediate prior sessions in the series covered strategies for crafting anti-corruption policies and procedures, gender dimensions of business integrity, and implementing of anti-corruption programmes in your company. The series features live translation to French, Spanish and Portuguese. Learn more about the series here:


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