If you aren't using ice breakers you probably aren't closing the sale

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If you aren't using ice breakers you probably aren't closing the sale
Have you ever done and said all the right things but struggled with closing the sale? One thing you may be missing that could help you in closing better is using ice breakers throughout the sales process.

www.D2DMillionaire.com(6)Why should you and your sales team use ice breakers, and can it really help with closing the sale?

People do business with those they like and trust, this is why you can do and say everything right about your product and service but still struggle with closing the sale. Using ice breakers can speed up the relationship between you and your prospect and help you make more sales. So what are some ice breakers you could use? The first step is to be aware of what is going on when you are talking to a prospect. Let's say you are at a home and your prospect's daughter is wearing a soccer uniform, it would make a lot of sense for you to ask a question such as, "How long have you been playing soccer?" Or, "What position do you play on your team?" Ice breakers like these can do wonders to build rapport between you and your prospect and will greatly assist in making the transition of closing the sale.

Other useful ice breakers for closing the sale.

Are you name dropping? This can be one of the most effective ice breakers you can use. Dropping names should be one of the first things you do when approaching a new prospect. As stated earlier, people do business with those they like and trust, so the more the prospect feels they know you the better. Name dropping current customers that your prospect might know helps to create that relationship because they know that you know people they know, almost like you are mutual friends.

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