Colonies Asunder Miniature Scaling & Blender Compatibility

Описание к видео Colonies Asunder Miniature Scaling & Blender Compatibility

This video shows the scale differences between the AWI & SYW miniatures (which themselves match the Napoleonics). It then shows how, should you desire, you can either easily match the scales up or take a more involved approach with the Blender files.

The second part also showcases the compatibility between all my 6-15mm Blender files. While the AWI miniatures are indeed taller than my previous ones, this is achieved solely by lengthening their legs; all other parts can be copied and pasted freely between the AWI, SYW and Napoleonic Blender files.

Colonies Asunder launches April 12th and you can follow the project and download free samples here:

0:00-1:54: Showing the Scale differences
1:55-2:53: Rescaling the STLs (easy)
2:54-16:52: Using the Blender files (more involved)


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