Menopausa: transformação, saúde e o poder da mulher informada | Samyra Coutrim | TEDxSalvador Women

Описание к видео Menopausa: transformação, saúde e o poder da mulher informada | Samyra Coutrim | TEDxSalvador Women

Há um conhecimento limitado sobre a saúde feminina entre a população em geral, especialmente no que se refere ao climatério e à menopausa. A ginecologista Samyra Coutrim compartilha as suas experiências, expondo esses aspectos e revelando algumas mudanças no estilo de vida, além das medicações, que podem ajudar as mulheres a viverem essas fases com mais saúde, conhecimento e menos dificuldades. Dra. Samyra Coutrim is a gynecologist and triathlete. She graduated from Centro Universitário UNIRG and specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics at Hospital Geral Roberto Santos. She is dedicated to Lifestyle Medicine and Healthy Longevity. Her mission is to prevent diseases and promote women's well-being at all stages of life, from menarche to beyond menopause. With a minimally interventionist philosophy, she respects the natural cycles of the female body and always seeks the best for her patients. Her passion for health and sport overflows in every word, inspiring and motivating women to take control of their health. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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