
Описание к видео 高雄美食傳奇!令人驚嘆的肉肉海,鐵板雞腿排/牛排/豬排大量製作


💰鐵板麵 Hot Plate Noodles NT$ 60 / US$ 2
💰豬排 Pork Chop NT$110 / US$ 3.67
💰雞腿排 Chicken Steak NT$120 / US$ 4
💰牛排 Steak NT$130 / US$ 4.3
💰厚片牛排 Thick Steak NT$ 160 / US$ 5.3
💰嫩肩牛排 Filet Steak NT$ 160 / US$ 5.3

0:00 精采預告 Trailer
0:20 煎蛋 Pan-Fried Eggs
1:35 鐵板麵 Hot Plate Noodles
3:25 雞腿排 Chicken Steak
6:24 豬排 Pork Chop
7:44 厚切牛排 Thick Steak
9:05 鐵板作業 Putting food on the hot plate
10:03 上桌享用 Enjoy the Meal

【Taiwan Food Legendary in Kaohsiung】- Amazing Steak Mountain
There are lots of steak vendors in Taiwan. One of the amazing steak vendors was in Kaohsiung.
The amount of the steak was as huge as a mountain. The vendor will pan-fried the eggs first, and making a pot of the hot plate noodles. Then, the amazing part is pan-frying a pile of chicken steak, pork chop and Thick steak. Their sauce is special. Once you bit it, you could't forget how tasty it was! The steak vendor is really standing for Taiwan professionals!

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