Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment 2024 - Implementing Responsible Recruitment

Описание к видео Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment 2024 - Implementing Responsible Recruitment

We are livestreaming the Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment 2024!

You are joining part 2 of Day 1. Sessions include:

12.30 BST - Session 3: Implementing and verifying Employer Pays Ethical Recruitment: Approaches and tools, with Declan Croucher, CEO of Verité.

14.00 BST - Session 4: Responsible Recruitment Policies into Practice: Operational Realities on the ground

15.00 BST - Session 5: Migrant Workers in Conflict-Affected Countries

16.00 BST - Session 6: The Responsible Recruitment of Women Migrant Workers


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