Алексеевский марш [White guard march]

Описание к видео Алексеевский марш [White guard march]

The Alekseev Organization (Алексеевская организация) — a military formation built on a volunteer principle — a “frame of the new army” —the beginning of which was laid on October 7 (20), 1917 by the General-Adjutant General MV Alekseev in the conditions of the growing decomposition of the Russian army on the front of the First World War. The objectives of the organization being formed were to counter the collapse of the country, suppress the expected and become inevitable uprising of the Bolsheviks and continue the war with Germany


Russian lyrics:

Пусть свищут пули, льётся кровь!
Пусть смерть несут гранаты.
Мы смело двинемся вперёд,
Мы — русские солдаты!

В нас кровь отцов-богатырей,
И дело наше право.
Сумеем честь мы отстоять
И умереть со славой.

Не плачь о нас, Святая Русь,
Не надо слёз, не надо.
Молись за павших и живых,
Молитва нам награда.

Мужайтесь, матери, отцы,
Терпите, жёны, дети.
Для блага Родины своей
Забудем всё на свете.

Вперёд же, братья, на врага!
Вперёд, полки лихие!
Господь за нас, мы победим.
Да здравствует Россия!


English lyrics:

Let the bullets hiss , bloodshed !
Let death carry grenades.
We boldly let us move forward,
We — Russian soldiers!

The blood of our fathers — heroes ,
And it is our right .
We will be able to defend the honor of
And to die with glory .

Do not cry for us , Holy Russia ,
No need to cry, do not.
Pray for the dead and the living,
Prayer is our reward.

Take heart , mothers, fathers ,
Endure , wives , children.
For the good of their motherland
Forget everything else .

Next , brothers , to the enemy !
Next , shelves dashing !
God is for us, we will win .
Long live Russia!


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