Spa Resort Vrnjačke Terme - Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia

Описание к видео Spa Resort Vrnjačke Terme - Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia

The thermal water in the Vrnjačka Terme complex springs from healing thermal springs. This water is rich in minerals and is warmer than ordinary tap water, because it is heated in the interior of the Earth by the proximity of volcanic magma and lava. Thermal waters spring at a great depth and collect minerals from various types of rocks along the way, which is why this water has a beneficial effect on the skin and is suitable for the treatment of various diseases.
In addition to being rich in minerals, the thermal waters are also bacteriologically clean and suitable for irritated, sick skin. They soothe inflamed and irritated skin with allergies, sunburn. Thermal water can be used by all generations throughout the year.
There are warm thermal waters over 20 degrees and cold thermal waters. Mineral water is water that contains more than one gram of dissolved minerals per liter, mainly sodium, magnesium, calcium, iodine, chlorine, iron, etc.
Vrnjačka Banja has the hottest sources of thermal water, not only in Serbia but in all of Europe. In our pools, the water temperature is constant from 32℃ to 36℃, both in indoor and outdoor pools. We have 5 indoor pools with 2 slides and 3 outdoor pools (for recreation, swimming, with massagers, with 2 slides, children's).
Termalna voda u komplesku Vrnjačke Terme izvire iz lekovitih termalnih izvora. Ova voda je bogata mineralima i toplija je od obične vode sa česme, jer se u unutrašnjosti Zemlje zagreva od blizine vulkanske magme i lave. Termalne vode izviru na velikoj dubini i uz put sakupljaju minerale sa raznih vrsta stena, pa zato ta voda blagotvorno deluje na kožu i pogodna je za lečenje raznih bolesti.
Osim što su termalne vode bogate mineralima, one su i bakteriološki čiste i pogodne za iritiranu, bolesnu kožu. Umiruju upaljenu i iritiranu kožu kod alergija, opekotina od Sunca. Termalnu vodu mogu koristiti sve generacije tokom cele godine.
Postoje tople termalne vode preko 20 stepeni i hladne termalne vode. Mineralnom vodom se smatra voda koja sadrđi više od jednog grama rastvorenih minerala na jedan litar, uglavnom natrijuma, magnezijuma, kalcijuma, joda, hlora, gvožđa i dr.
Najtoplije izvore termalne vode ima Vrnjačka Banja, ne samo u Srbiji nego u celoj Evropi. U našim bazenima temperatura vode je konstantno od 32℃ do 36℃, kako u zatvorenim, tako i u otvorenim bazenima. Raspolažemo sa 5 unutrašnjih bazena sa 2 tobogana i 3 otvorena bazena (za rekreaciju, plivanje, sa masažerima, sa 2 tobogana, dečiji).


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