ASMR | Pink Cloud Paste | Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦

Описание к видео ASMR | Pink Cloud Paste | Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians! Fun fact, so few of my viewers here on Youtube are from Canada that it doesn't even show up in my top ten most viewed countries... but I mean it's understandable considering that our entire country's population is the same as the state of California or the metro population of Tokyo 😶

I'm not sure how I feel about this video. It didn't turn out how I wanted and I didn't really enjoy it. There's no final rinse because I was so over it by the end but I did squeeze in Dawn afterwards. I needed a stress squeeze from the previous squeeze LOL

0:34 Squeezes
2:12 Adding baking soda
3:16 First pour
3:49 More baking soda
5:39 Second pour
6:39 Adding another sponge
8:08 More baking soda
10:07 Handmixing
10:57 Final pour
11:05 Fake rinse
13:53 Dawn dish soap squeeze
18:38 Final rinse
20:02 Adding fabric softener

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